This is the longest consult as we review medical history, pregnancy and delivery experience leading up to the breastfeeding journey. This initial consult typically takes anywhere from 2-2.5 hours (depending on situation and needs).
We develop a feeding plan based on YOUR FEEDING GOALS (this is about you and your baby- not us!)
We use biological breastfeeding or laid-back breastfeeding positions to optimize rest and relaxation while breastfeeding. We can also come up with a customized pumping plan if pumping is the route you choose to go!
We review safety in its entirety as safety to you and your infant is our highest priority.
We make breastfeeding as relaxed and enjoyable as possible; this will enhance your likelihood of wanting to prolong your breastfeeding relationship. If you are uncomfortable during breastfeeding and cannot relax you will be less likely to want to prolong the relationship.
We only practice using the most evidenced based current research, to support our recommendations.
We use a hospital grade scale to ensure adequate weight and feeding assessments.
We are competent to work with infants ages birth- toddlerhood and are well versed in all breastfeeding stages.
This consult includes a full medical history taken on both mom and baby as well as well as a thorough assessment of infant and moms’ anatomy (looking for tight frenulum or other oral issues).
A full feeding assessment will be done and a pre and post weight will be done (meaning we will see how much milk baby drank at momma’s breast!) if this is possible at the time of visit or applicable to your custom feeding plan